Privacy policy

  1. Identity of the Website Manager

The information provided by the USER via any of the forms on the WEBSITE will be added to one or more files managed by Fundación Grupo Siro with Spanish Tax Code (NIF) G34236109 and registered address at Monasterio de San Pelayo, 34247 Cevico Navero, Palencia.

  1. Processing Purpose

Generally-speaking, people who use the Website do so without the need to provide any data of a personal nature. Nonetheless, in order to request information, Users will indeed be occasionally required to provide certain personal data. Pursuant to current personal data protection regulations, Fundacion Grupo Siro informs you that it will manage any personal data provided and said personal data will be processed for the following purposes based on the channel through which the data are collected:

  • To manage the contractual or commercial relationship established between Fundacion Grupo Siro and the USER.
  • To provide the services or information requested by the USER.
  • To send information on new products and services that may be of interest to the USER by any means, including electronic means.
  • In the event of applying for a job at any of the companies of Fundacion Grupo Siro or Cerealto Siro Foods, to assess your application for present and future recruitment processes.
  • When applying for the Training Excellence Scholarships from Grupo Siro, to assess and process your application.

For said purpose(s), your data will be stored for a period of five (5) years in order to comply with the legal obligations of the company. These purposes are based on your consent. Therefore, you will be required to tick the corresponding box before sending the form.

In addition, if you provide your consent by ticking the appropriate box, your data will be used to build up a profile of your preferences, personal characteristics, etc. For this purpose, your data will be stored for a period of five (5) years in order to comply with the legal obligations of the company. This purpose is based on your express consent.

  1. Recipients of the Information

The data that the USER may have provided to Fundacion Grupo Siro will not be shared with any third party, unless:

  • The transfer is authorised by law.
  • The transfer is to be received by any of the companies of Cerealto Siro Foods for the purpose of dealing with your request. Said companies may be located in third countries, potentially in countries where legislation does not require a suitable level of security according to the Director of the Spanish Data Protection Agency. The entities that comprise the Cerealto Siro Foods business group are: Cerealto Siro Foods S.L., Grupo Siro Corporativo, S.L., Pastas de la Carolina, S.L.U., Rosdor, S.L.U., Proyectos Paterna, S.L.U., Molinos de Castilla la Mancha, S.L.U, Inmuebles Rimarsa S.L.U., Fundacion Grupo Siro, Innovaciones y Desarrollos Alimentarios, S.L.U., Galletas Siro, S.A., Siro Aguilar, S.L.U., Siro El Espinar, S.L.U., Siro Venta de Baños, S.A.U., Siro Valencia, S.L.U., Dora Fruits, S.L.U., Siro Paterna, S.A.U., Siro Medina, S.A.U., Cerealto Antequera, S.L.U., Siro Agüimes, S.A.U., Cerealto Briviesca, S.L.U., Fundación Grupo Siro, Siro Jaén, S.L.U., Cerealto Spain Foods, S.A.U., Subproductos Tuero, S.L., Siro Sur, S.L.U., EXPLOTACION LOS ALFOCES, S.L.U., Grupo BC Servicios 2011, S.L.U., Hermanos Echeverría Aguirre, C.B., CEREALTO FOODS, S.L.U., Cerealto Madrid, S.L.U., Cerealto UK Ltd., Cerealto Foods Italia, S.R.L., PASTIFICIO MEDITERRANEA, S.R.L., Nutriceal Foods S.A., CEREALTO TEPEJI S.R.L. de C.V., Cerealto Servicios México, S.R.L. DE C.V., Cerealto USA, LLC, Cerealto Seguin, LLC, Cerealto Group, LLC, Cerealto Sintra Foods, S.A..
  • The data are requested by the Ombudsman, the Public Prosecutor’s Office or the Judges or Tribunals or the Court of Auditors in the exercise of the duties attributed to them.
  1. Compulsory or Optional Nature of the Information Requested

In order to duly fulfil this purpose(s), you will be required to provide the data requested and marked with an asterisk (*) in each form.

Refusal to provide such information will prevent effective provision of the service requested by the USER.

  1. Exercise of Rights

By providing your data, you declare that you have read and expressly accepted the processing of your personal data in accordance with the above. However, you may withdraw your consent at any time, as well as exercise your rights of access, rectification, elimination, opposition, limitation on processing and portability, whenever said rights are applicable, by writing to the address indicated above or the e-mail address dpo@ fundaciongruposiro . com, including a photocopy of your ID card or equivalent document and specifying your request.

Furthermore, if you believe that your data have been unduly processed, you are entitled to lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (Calle Jorge Juan 6, 28001 – Madrid

  1. Obligations of the USER

The USER guarantees they are over 14 years of age and that the information provided is true and accurate.

The USER undertakes to notify Fundacion Grupo Siro of any changes to the information provided by sending an e-mail to dpo@ fundaciongruposiro . com, identifying themselves as a USER of the WEBSITE and specifying the information that needs to be changed.

Furthermore, the USER undertakes to keep their usernames and passwords secret, and to notify Fundacion Grupo Siro as soon as possible of any loss, theft or unauthorised access. Unless such communication takes place, Fundacion Grupo Siro will accept no liability for any improper use by unauthorised third parties of said usernames and passwords.

  1. Third-party Data provided by the USER

In the event that a USER provides the personal data of third parties for any reason, the USER guarantees to have previously informed the affected party or parties and to have obtained their consent for providing their data to Fundacion Grupo Siro.

The USER guarantees that the affected parties are over 14 years of age and that the information provided is true and accurate.

Fundacion Grupo Siro will check the consent of such affected parties by sending an e-mail with no commercial content to request verification of the consent granted on their behalf by the USER.

In the event that liabilities arise due to non-compliance with these conditions by the USER, the USER will be liable for the consequences of said non-compliance.

  1. Information about Cookies

Fundacion Grupo Siro wishes to inform you that our website uses cookies to measure and analyse the browsing activity of our users. Cookies are files that are installed on the computer used to access our website for the purposes described on this page. We use Google Analytics to obtain this information.

The information obtained relates to the number of pages visited, the language used, the social network on which our news is published, the city or region assigned to the IP address you are accessing from, the number of new users, the frequency of and number of repeat visits, visit time, and the browser or terminal used to visit the website. The data obtained will be processed by Google in accordance with the Privacy Policy of Google Analytics, which can be found at

The cookies will not be installed on your computer until you express your wish to browse the website via one of the following actions:

  • Remaining on the website for more than 15 seconds
  • Moving vertically through the website
  • Clicking anywhere or on any link on the website

At any event, you may prevent the installation of cookies or delete those already installed via the configuration options on your browser, as well as by using certain specific applications.

  1. Security Measures

Fundacion Grupo Siro has adopted those measures of a technical and organisational nature necessary for guaranteeing the security of the data of a personal nature and avoiding their unauthorised alteration, loss, processing or access, bearing in mind the state of the technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they may be exposed, whether that be due to human action or the physical or natural medium.

Notwithstanding the above, the USER must be aware that Internet security measures are not impregnable.
