Both entities sign for the fourth time an Inserta Agreement

The president of Cerealto Siro and the Grupo Siro Foundation, Juan Manuel González Serna and the president of the ONCE Foundation, Miguel Carballeda, have renewed for the fourth consecutive time the Inserta Agreement signed in 2011, 2013 and 2017.

This agreement is part of the Youth Employment and Social Economy (POEJ) and Social Inclusion and Social Economy (POISES) operational programmes, which the ONCE Foundation is developing through Inserta Empleo, with co-financing from the European Social Fund, and which aim to increase the training and employment of people with disabilities.

As Juan Manuel González Serna explained, “we are proud to renew, once again, this agreement with Fundación ONCE to contribute to the employment and social integration of people with disabilities. It represents the continuity of a commitment that was born more than 20 years ago and is a constant in our history, inherent to our way of thinking and acting. And now more than ever, we have the firm conviction that it is necessary to assume responsibilities in order to build a more sustainable, fairer and more equitable society. A common challenge that we can only achieve if we work for an inclusive society that leaves no one behind”.

For his part, the president of the ONCE Foundation recognised the large number of opportunities that Cerealto Siro offers to people with and without disabilities, and the fact that it has encouraged other companies to join in collaborating with people with disabilities. In his opinion, this company has made a legacy to society with its social commitment. “You have all our admiration as exemplary entrepreneurs in the life we share. Thank you for helping us to continue on our way”, concluded Carballeda.

Cerealto Siro and the Grupo Siro Foundation will continue to count on Inserta Empleo, the ONCE Foundation’s entity for training and employment, to accompany and advise them in the integration of people with disabilities, and provide them with tailor-made training to enable them to carry out the assigned tasks.

The agreement also contemplates the promotion of other actions that favour the indirect labour insertion of people with disabilities, through the acquisition of goods and the contracting of services from special employment centres.

About Cerealto Siro
Cerealto Siro Foods, born from the integration of Siro and Cerealto, is a multinational family company that manufactures food products, with a strategy focused on the manufacture of cereal-derived food products for clients in the B2B and Retail sectors, with high doses of innovation and high development potential in multiple markets.
The Group has a consolidated turnover of more than 577 MM €, currently has a team of more than 3,000 people and a production of 374,000 tonnes per year, in 15 work centres located in Spain, Portugal, Italy, United Kingdom and Mexico, as well as sales offices in the United States.
With a planned investment of 128 million euros until 2025, its business model is focused on the consumer, innovation in products and processes and operational excellence. It is also a benchmark in the integration of people at risk of social exclusion, who represent more than 11% of the workforce, and in the leadership of the circular economy in the agri-food industry.

About Fundación Grupo Siro
The Siro Group Foundation was created in 2007 by Juan Manuel González Serna and Lucía Urban, founders of the Siro Group (now Cerealto Siro Foods), with the aim of ensuring the continuity of their business group and bequeathing their company to the Foundation.
The Foundation carries out a wide range of activities that reflect the commitment of its founders to contribute value to Society based on its four foundational purposes: the social integration of people at risk of exclusion, the awarding of scholarships for educational excellence, support for exceptional medical treatments for collaborators and their families and the recovery and enhancement of the historical, artistic and environmental heritage of the areas where the business group operates.

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More information on the labour market for people with disabilities in Spain at:
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