For the third consecutive year, both parties have signed the Inserta Agreement

The Chairman of Grupo Siro and Siro Foundation, Juan Manuel González Serna, and the Chairman of ONCE and the ONCE Foundation, Miguel Carballeda Piñeiro, have, for the third time, renewed the Inserta Agreement that they signed in 2011 and 2013. On this occasion, it will involve the employment of 171 people with disabilities over the next three years, which will bring the number of people with a disability who have been hired since the start of this partnership to 961.
This agreement provides a framework for the Youth Employment and Social Economy (POEJ) and Social Inclusion and Social Economy (POISES) operational programmes that are being developed by the ONCE Foundation through Inserta Empleo, with co-financing through the European Social Fund. The aim of these programmes is to increase training and employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
Grupo Siro and the Grupo Siro Foundation will remain committed to Inserta Empleo – the training and employment arm of the ONCE Foundation – to fill new job vacancies that arise at the company, pre-select those candidates that best match the required profile and provide customised training to enable them to perform their assigned tasks.
The agreement also provides for the promotion of other actions to foster the integration of people with disabilities into the labour market indirectly, through the acquisition of assets and the contracting of services from special employment centres.

About Grupo Siro

Grupo Siro is a 100% Spanish-owned business group operating in the food sector. Its goal is focused on excellence through efficiency and innovation from the standpoint of sustainable social commitment. The group operates in the Spanish biscuit, pasta, sliced bread, pastry and cereal sectors. It currently owns 19 work centres that employ over 4,000 people. Grupo Siro has had an inter-supplier agreement with Mercadona since 1998 as manufacturer of the Hacendado brand.
Ever since Grupo Siro was set up, it has been working with organisations and agencies to achieve the integration of people at risk of social exclusion into the labour market as part of its unwavering Sustainable Social Commitment. The first steps were taken in 1997, when it signed an agreement with the ONCE Foundation to facilitate the employment of people with disabilities at the company. At present, the group has three special employment centres and over 500 employees with disabilities, accounting for 14% of the workforce.

Grupo Siro belongs to the Inserta Programme and is a member of the Foro Inserta Advisory Council. It also supports the ADOP-Empleo Plan and collaborates with the No Te Rindas Nunca (Never Give Up) Plan.

On 2 December 2016, it received International Recognition as ‘Best Company for Disabled Employees’ at the United Nations Headquarters in New York for its Sustainable Social Commitment to the Integration of People with Disabilities. Other awards it has received for its Inclusion of People at Risk of Social Exclusion Policy include: ONCE Castilla y León Award; 2010 Reina Sofía Award for Promoting the Integration of People with Disabilities into the Workforce; COCEMFE Castilla y León Award; Castilla y León Human and Social Values Award in recognition of its activity and commitment to the region, as well as its commitment and involvement in ethical and social issues; and two Telefónica Ability Awards, in the category of Senior Management Commitment and Employee Leadership and in the category of Fostering Professional Development and Training.

Twitter: @GrupoSiro // More information at:

Inserta Empleo

Inserta Empleo, the arm of the ONCE Foundation with expertise in the employment and training of people with disabilities, has been responsible for managing and developing the ‘Talent Programme’ (2007-2013 Operational Programme for the Fight against Discrimination) that is co-financed by the European Social Fund.
At present, it is involved in the operational programmes on Youth Employment and on Social Inclusion and Social Economy approved by the European Union for Spain during the period 2014-2020. The first includes two projects, entitled Activa tu Talento and Entrena tu Talento, while the second includes three projects, entitled Talento Diverso para Empresas Sostenibles, Impulsa tu Talento and Fortalece tu Talento.

Twitter: @portalento_ // More information at:

More information on the labour market for people in Spain with disabilities at:
