Legal notice

  1. Legal Information (hereinafter, the WEBSITE) is a domain registered by Fundación Grupo Siro with Spanish Tax Code (NIF) G34236109 and registered address at Monasterio de San Pelayo, 34247 Cevico Navero, Palencia.


  1. Nature of the Services

In principle, access to the WEBSITE is free. However, the contracting of products or services via the WEBSITE is subject to monetary compensation.

The design and browsing structure have been produced by Fundacion Grupo Siro.

The information contained on this website has been produced by Fundacion Grupo Siro

  1. Obligations for the USER

The USER undertakes to refrain from using either the WEBSITE or the information provided thereon to engage in unlawful activities or activities contrary to moral and public order and, in general, to use the WEBSITE in accordance with the terms and conditions established by Fundacion Grupo Siro.

The USER is exclusively liable for the opinions, content and, in general, all actions carried out by the USER, and Fundacion Grupo Siro may not be held liable for any damages stemming from said actions beyond its control and when it has no effective knowledge thereof.

  1. Obligations for the COMPANY

The information communicated via this channel is for information purposes only. Fundacion Grupo Siro reserves the right to eliminate or suspend the communication thereof, in whole or in part, and to modify the structure and content of this website without prior notice. Fundacion Grupo Siro is also entitled to restrict or deny access to said information.

Fundacion Grupo Siro may not be held liable for errors in access to the WEBSITE or its content, although it will take all due care to ensure such situations do not arise.

Fundacion Grupo Siro will accept no liability for any consequences or damages that may stem from the use of this website or its content, including IT damages or the introduction of computer viruses, with exception of all those actions resulting from the application of legal provisions with which it must comply in the strict exercise of its powers.

Fundacion Grupo Siro reserves the right to temporarily and without prior notice suspend accessibility to the WEBSITE for potential operational reasons related to maintenance, repair, updates or improvement thereof.

Fundacion Grupo Siro accepts no liability for the opinions of third parties that may have been published in the media and that may be communicated via the website.

  1. Intellectual and Industrial Property

All content on the WEBSITE (including but not limited to databases, images, drawings, graphics, text, audio and video files and software) are the property of Fundacion Grupo Siro and are protected by national or international rules on intellectual and industrial property. All rights reserved.

The domain name, brands, signs, hallmarks and logos appearing on the WEBSITE are owned by Fundacion Grupo Siro.

All texts, graphic images, videos or audio files that may be found on this Website now or in the future are the property of Fundacion Grupo Siro and may not be subject to subsequent modification, copy, alteration, total or partial reproduction, adaptation or translation by the USER or third parties without express authorisation from Fundacion Grupo Siro.

Unauthorised use of the information contained on this WEBSITE, as well as failure to comply with intellectual or industrial property rights, will give rise to the liabilities provided for by law.

The brands, signs, hallmarks and logos appearing in the sections intended to inform about strategic partnerships with certain clients or partners are exempt from the above.

  1. Hyperlinks

The creation of any hyperlinks from an external website to any of the pages of the Fundacion Grupo Siro WEBSITE shall be subject to the following terms and conditions:

  • The complete or partial reproduction of any of the services contained in the Fundacion Grupo Siro WEBSITE is strictly prohibited.
  • No false, inaccurate or incorrect statements regarding the pages of the Fundacion Grupo Siro WEBSITE and its services will be included.
  • Under no circumstances will Fundacion Grupo Siro be liable for the content, information, statements, opinions or services made available to the public on the website from which a hyperlink is created to this WEBSITE.
  • All hyperlinks will be created to the home page of the WEBSITE.

The hyperlinks contained on the WEBSITE have been previously agreed with the owners of the destination websites. Fundacion Grupo Siro accepts no liability for any improper use and unlawful activities or activities contrary to moral or public order conducted by users on said destination websites.

  1. Validity of the Terms and Conditions of Use

The terms and conditions of use for this WEBSITE are valid indefinitely. Nonetheless, Fundacion Grupo Siro reserves the unilateral right to modify the terms and conditions of access to the WEBSITE and the content thereof.

  1. Annulment and Ineffectiveness of the Clauses

In the event that any of the clauses included in these terms and conditions is declared wholly or partially null or ineffective, this nullity or ineffectiveness will only apply to said provision or the part thereof that is declared null or ineffective.

  1. Applicable Legislation and Jurisdiction

Provision of the service of this WEBSITE and these terms and conditions of use are governed by Spanish law.

All disputes regarding the services provided via this WEBSITE will be resolved via the arbitration tribunal for consumer affairs, mediators or the suchlike to which Fundacion Grupo Siro is subject at the time that the dispute arises, as well as the corresponding courts and tribunals under Spanish legislation.
